Health Systems

A Turnkey AI Enabled Cancer Remote Monitoring Solution

Blue circle with decorative clip art and picture of person in. middle. Virtual care support; affiliation framework; PRO insight' HIPAA complaint; Smart recommendation engine subtext.

EHR (Epic, Cerner) friendly, AI enabled remote monitoring solution tailored for oncology care & cancer care navigation for your health system

Jasper Health works hand-in-hand with your existing clinical workflow accelerating your healthcare systems ability to quickly and efficiently launch a value based oncology care model (OCM). Built with the latest FHIR based protocols and interoperable standards, a private label version of Jasper can be implemented in 30 days. AskJasper, our AI service, can track and report value based KPI’s driving payment optimization and increasing ROI.

  • AI enabled cancer navigation allows you to tap into new CPT codes for reimbursement while providing a critical service for your health systems patients
  • Designed to guide members at every step, providing psychosocial support and connecting them with the nurse-led care team at the right moment
  • Fully supports integration with Epic & Mychart as well as any FHIR compliant EHR. Adds virtual cancer care capabilities as well as full suite of patient engagement tools that can accelerate your health system advancement into oncology.

Member Pathway

Patient onboarding
Jennifer is diagnosed with cancer and is contacted by her assigned case manager while in the hospital. Jennifer is told about Jasper and how it helps to ensure continuity of care once she is discharged.
Downloads Jasper
Jennifer downloads the Jasper app, signs up, and grants permission to share her profile information with her care team. She enters her PRO information along with appointments, tasks, medications and treatments.
Care manager meetings
Jennifer meets with her care manager once every one or two weeks to discuss treatment and goals. The care manager uses the Jasper Care+ dashboard to review RPM, PRO, and medication management to determine any clinical interventions needed.
Meets with hospital case manager‌/‌patient navigator
On discharge day, the CM/PN visits Jennifer to ensure that all services have been set up to continue continuity of care and she is not at risk for readmission. The CM/PN uses the Jasper Care+ dashboard to review RPM, PRO, and medication management to determine any clinical interventions needed.
Continual monitoring
Jennifer continues to receive treatment and Jasper continues to monitor her symptoms, activity and vitals. Jasper triggers alerts to the care team as potential interventions are needed.
Jennifer is relieved to enter remission but remains anxious that the cancer will return. Jasper begins providing remission resources, quarterly one-on-one sessions to provide mental health guidance, and advice about cancer prevention.

Jasper Health improves the cancer care experience

Mitigate unnecessary ED visits
of members would consult Jasper before using the ER*
Better medication adherence
of members report increased ease of medication plan adherence*
Improved patient satisfaction
of members report satisfaction with Jasper Care Navigators*

*Jasper member survey Oct 2023; among members who receive Jasper as a covered benefit.

Improving the cancer experience with human-led, insight-driven guidance.

Our services are patient-centered and driven by value and data.


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