My Jasper Story: Kathleen

Two people gardening outside in lush green garden

Kathleen, an executive assistant and dancer, shares her experience with breast cancer and how Jasper helps her to stay organized and keep track of her symptoms.  

It was Labor Day weekend of 2021 when I discovered a lump in my breast. It felt unlike anything I’d ever experienced in my body and I knew that I wanted to see my doctor right away. But I was 34 and otherwise healthy, so I hadn’t had much experience with seeking care. I didn’t even know my primary care provider’s name. 

 When I finally spoke with someone from my primary care provider’s office, the first appointment they offered me was nearly one month away. Though I wasn’t sure what the lump in my breast meant, I knew that I wanted to get it checked sooner rather than later. They recommended that I go to urgent care instead. In my gut I knew that this was the right decision, but I still had reservations. After a long day at work and the dance studio, the last thing I wanted to do was visit urgent care. Thankfully, my friend gave me the encouragement I needed.

 After many hours and procedures in urgent care, I learned that I had breast cancer. I later learned that I had two tumors and two different types of breast cancer. 

How I Found Jasper

I first came across Jasper on my Facebook feed. It looked like a good way to keep track of my symptoms and appointments, so I decided to try it out. 

After being diagnosed with cancer, I felt like everything was thrown at me at once. I had a hard time remembering what appointments I had on the books and I also found it difficult to track my emotional and physical symptoms throughout the process. But with Jasper, I’m able to keep track of my emotional and physical health with ease. 

The Journey So Far

I decided to leave my life in San Diego and move back to Boston to be with my family during treatment. This process was difficult, even though my family has been incredibly loving and supportive during this time. I felt like my life had been ripped out from underneath me. I went from working two jobs and being busy 80+ hours a week to moving back into my childhood bedroom at home. At first, I felt very depressed. But I’m grateful to have the world’s best friends that are still here in the Boston area, so being able to spend time with them has been enormously helpful.

Looking Ahead

I’m thankful to have experienced very few side effects from the chemotherapy thus far. I’ve completed nine out of twelve rounds and am feeling great overall. One of my tumors has shrunk so significantly it’s no longer detectable via physical examination, and the other tumor has shrunk in half. I’m looking forward to speaking with my doctors once I complete the chemotherapy to discuss my surgical options. 

I’m also grateful to have found a powerful tool with Jasper. It’s helped me to get and stay organized during a particularly overwhelming and scary time. When I first heard the word “cancer”, the diagnosis felt bigger than life. But having a tool like Jasper makes it feel much more manageable. Finally, I feel in control again.

The content on this website is intended to provide the best possible information for you, but should not be considered—or used as a substitute for—medical advice. If you have questions about your diagnosis or treatment, please contact your health care provider(s). For questions or comments about this content, please email us at [email protected].