My Jasper Story: Jennifer

Person on cellular phone with calendar

I was diagnosed with malignant melanoma in March of 2020. My initial appointment with the dermatologist took place on March 17th, which was right about the time that my office began transitioning its employees to work from home and the rest of the world was coming to terms with the emergence of coronavirus. 

When I found out on Friday, March 20th that I had cancer, it felt like a cruel joke. Not only was I confronted with one of the scariest global pandemics of our lifetime, but on top of that I had to manage a cancer diagnosis? It was overwhelming, to say the least.

How I Found Jasper

After researching cancer care for some time, I discovered Jasper on my Facebook feed. When I looked into it, I thought it was a great idea and that it would be very helpful to have one, easy-to-manage place where I could keep track of my appointments and care-related information.  

When working directly with the hospital, the information they give you for each appointment can be pretty limited. And if you’re seeing doctors in multiple hospitals or offices, it can be hard to navigate all of the different online portals. So I loved the idea of having a one-stop shop for my cancer care management.

My Progress

As you can imagine, when your body is going through all of these different treatments, the last thing you want to have to worry about is managing the details of your next appointment. Throughout this experience, Jasper has helped me keep track of my appointments in one reliable and easy-to-navigate place.

On June 11, I had surgery where they removed the original tumor and took out twenty-five lymph nodes from my left underarm.

In spite of all the setbacks I faced with the combo immunotherapy not working and feeling so sick after the targeted therapy, I finally received the good news I had been hoping for. When I went in for my post-op, they told me that I am now NED, or have no evidence of disease.

Looking Ahead

Cancer is tough. You’re under so much stress and there’s a lot to think about, arrange, and manage at once, so anything that can help take some of the load off of your plate can be a gamechanger. Jasper helped take some of the burden off of my cancer care management when I really needed it, and I’m very grateful for that.

The content on this website is intended to provide the best possible information for you, but should not be considered—or used as a substitute for—medical advice. If you have questions about your diagnosis or treatment, please contact your health care provider(s). For questions or comments about this content, please email us at [email protected].